Tuesday Tip-Offs

How to Avoid the TMI Trap in Your Next Talk

How to Avoid the TMI Trap in Your Next Talk

Ever been in a presentation when the speaker dumps so much on you that it makes your head hurt? You were caught in the too-much-information-trap. Maybe even you have victimized an audience with a level of detail that dooms your talk. One common pitfall in business...

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Are You Overdue for Your Comms Check-Up?

Are You Overdue for Your Comms Check-Up?

While this Tuesday Tip-Off was on its way to your inbox, I was on my way to my annual physical. Nobody looks forward to these check-ups, but they play a crucial role in maintaining overall well-being, detecting potential problems and preventing serious ones. It’s the...

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Strike it Rich with this Solid Gold Tip-Off

Strike it Rich with this Solid Gold Tip-Off

In the fast-paced world of media, capturing the essence of your message in a brief and impactful way is crucial. Great soundbites are powerful tools in your interview arsenal. I like to think of them as news nuggets – pithy, concise, compelling, colorful and...

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Ride this Tip-Off to the top of your Game

Ride this Tip-Off to the top of your Game

I recently caught an episode of Entrepreneur’s “Elevator Pitch” show on the Cheddar channel. Contestants ride an elevator for 60 seconds while pitching their ideas to investors watching remotely in a studio boardroom. Those with persuasive pitches are invited off the...

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Tuesday Tip-Off:  Quit Hiding Behind “We”

Tuesday Tip-Off: Quit Hiding Behind “We”

Great news! Your organization’s PR team just booked an interview with a major media outlet. Now it’s time to prep your spokesperson. Conducting a winning interview is an art – there are key messages to communicate, difficult questions to navigate and, of course,...

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Tuesday Tip-Off:  How NOT to Answer a Question

Tuesday Tip-Off: How NOT to Answer a Question

In almost every media interview or live audience presentation, you are likely to get hit with a question you can’t or don’t want to answer. There’s a right way and a wrong way to manage the challenge. First, the wrong way: the “pivot.” Washington politicians use it...

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