Tuesday Tip-Offs

Tuesday Tip-Off: Cancel that Zoom Meeting!

Tuesday Tip-Off: Cancel that Zoom Meeting!

Hilton recently announced the results of a global survey that found nearly three-quarters of event goers prefer in-person meetings over virtual ones. Right on, team! Zoom and other conference platforms can be great tools, assuming they are used strategically and...

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Tuesday Tip-Off: Are You a Character?

Tuesday Tip-Off: Are You a Character?

Hey team - Greetings from Hollywood! I’m here preparing a client for a media event. While driving by all the famous studios I was reminded of how important storytelling is in communications and PR. News articles, presentations and social media posts are all stories –...

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Tuesday Tip-Off: Don’t Climb that Ladder!

Tuesday Tip-Off: Don’t Climb that Ladder!

When I was TV reporter, nothing was worse than conducting interviews with people who didn’t get to the point. I’d be rolling tape for what seemed like forever, hoping I might eventually get a usable soundbite. Too often, businesspeople make reporters climb a tall...

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Tuesday Tip-Off: Does AI Scare You? It Should.

Tuesday Tip-Off: Does AI Scare You? It Should.

I’m just back from the Public Relations Society of America’s annual international conference In Nashville. (Thank you PRSA for inviting me to conduct a media training program.) THE hot topic this year – hotter than the hottest Nashville chicken – was AI. There was...

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Tuesday Tip-Off: to Speak or NOT to Speak?

Tuesday Tip-Off: to Speak or NOT to Speak?

With apologies to The Bard, “To speak, or not to speak?” is one of the biggest decisions organizations must make when dealing with difficult issues. More times than not, corporations put out media statements rather than provide spokespersons. GM, Ford, Sellantis and...

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Tuesday Tip-Off: Mystery Solved!

Tuesday Tip-Off: Mystery Solved!

It’s one of the great mysteries of life, or at least business: What exactly is PR? To a lot of people, it’s about making news. “Did you see our great PR?” Or it’s crisis management. “They have a BIG PR problem.” There is a lot more to the discipline of public...

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3 Reasons to Book Your Fall Comms Training Now

3 Reasons to Book Your Fall Comms Training Now

Vacations are over, the fourth quarter starts in just a few weeks and more employees are returning to the office. I’m also betting your organization has a lot of new faces, the result of the Great Resignation. Fall is the ideal time to book in-person or virtual media,...

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